
Research Information
We live in a world known as the digital age. Technology has affected us in all areas of our lives. It makes sense then that, as educators, it is our responsibility to teach children about the lastest advancement in technology. This may seem achievable for educators that teach grades K-12, but what about  those preschoolers and toddlers? When is it developmentally appropriate to introduce children to computers? For answers to this question I have provided this link on what the reasearch is telling us.
Computers and Young Children

As we continue to focus on integrating technology in the classroom we also have to be aware of the social and health aspects that help or hinder childrens ability to learn within the digital age. The feature article is based on research done by PAUL ATTEWELL, BELKIS SUAZO-GARCIA, and JUAN BATTLE all from the City University of New York . This article focuses on computer usage over childhood as a whole and not just early childhood, but it does leave you with food for thought. 
To read about their research click on  Computers and Young Children:
                                                             Social Benefit or Social Problem?
Needing  more lesson plan ideas to help integrate technology into the classroom. Want to give parents and idea how they can follow through at home. This website is split for teachers and for parents. It provides interesting bits of information explaining how computers can teach different concepts.
Guide to Early Learning and Technology

Technology sites that could be used for educating young children.

For the younger children you could also go here:
I got to the fishing link from going on Many of the ideas on this site are geared for K-12, but there are some things that can work for preschool aged children.

Volcano Cam link
For some science videos that target younger children look to Sid the Science Kid